
Cody Franson!

6 years ago
TLN big daddy Jon “Yakov” Steitzer wanted to write about Cody Franson, but he’s too busy navigating through life in the frozen tundra of Edmonton, Alberta.
But fret not! H0ckeyfan to the rescue!
As we know, the Blackhawks placed Cody Franson on waivers today.
He was invited to camp on a PTO and was then given a one-year, $1 million deal. So, should the Leafs grab him, Jon?
Let’s hear more about that sixth point.
Interesting. You think Franson could play in Toronto’s top-four right now?
Very interesting. Is it going to happen?
It seems Franson could make the Leafs better, but what are the odds of him being played over Roman “The Roman Empire” Polak at this point? He likely would just be taking away ice time from Andreas Borgman, Connor Carrick, or the freshly-called up Travis Dermott. So I’m not sure if it’s worth the hassle.

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