
Five Things Clarkson and Horachek (Probably) Discussed During Their ‘Animated’ Chat

Justin Fisher
9 years ago
In case you missed it, Toronto Maple Leafs interim head coach Peter Horachek and winger David Clarkson had a heated discussion during practice this morning after Clarkson was told he’d be a healthy scratch for the second straight game.
As no one from TLN was within earshot of this “animated” exchange (we don’t watch the games, let alone the practices), all we can really do is speculate as to what was discussed. Here’s our best, most educated guesses:

The Grammys

PH: Beck needs to respect artistry.
DC: What? The guy can play like, 48 instruments.
PH: He should have given the Grammy to Beyonce.
DC: *falls*

The Walking Dead

DC: Wow, can’t believe that [REDACTED] got killed off.
DC: *falls*

Connor McDavid

PH: Draft SchmaftI refuse to tank. If I wanted to tank, I’d play you more, Dave.
DC: That’s a really horrible thing to… *falls*

Wendel Clark

PH: You’re nothing like him.
DC: How dare you. *falls*

David Clarkson

PH: “David, you’re sitting again tonight.”
DC: “Are you $%&@ing kidding me?” *falls*
Ok, that last one is probably the most likely. 
This has gotta be tough for Clarkson. After your team loses 11 straight games, none of which are specifically your fault, you get sat. Then your team wins a game? And now you’re stuck on the outside looking in? It doesn’t matter what his Corsi % is, how much money he makes, or how much longer he’s signed for… that’s a bit of a raw deal for Clarkson. 
Does he fall a lot? Yes.
Is he bad? He’s certainly not great. 
Is he the problem? Far from it. 
Does his contract suck? Absolutely.
Who’s fault is that? Nonis.

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