

By Wanye
11 years ago
Have you received positive reviews at work lately? Perhaps a supervisor or boss commended you for "excellent use of time around the office" or a "focus on efficiency?" Well throw that attitude out the window friends. It’s time to waste some time during the playoffs. Some serious time. I’m talkin’ bout StreakCred – the Nation Network Playoff Game.
Curious? Of course you are. Who wants to climb the corporate ladder anyway? AMIRITE?*


Since 2009 the Nation Network has been operating hockey drafts for some of Alberta’s leading pub and restaurant chains – running 7 drafts and processing over 100,000 team entries. In January 2013 we opened this game up to a pay-to-play online version with sweet prizes and we raised over $3,800 for Edmonton Charities.
But something was missing. Buddies who played the game reported back "yeah Wanye it was fun to make my team. But now all I do is sit back and watch Brooks Laich be injured and week by week the thing gets less exciting**"
So we went back to the drawing board and the boys at Nation HQ have been working feverishly to develop StreakCred. It’s a playoff picking game where you select the winner in as many or as few games per night for the entire 2013 playoffs.
The longest streak of correct games picked in a row wins prizes. Big prizes. And there are additional prizes for correctly predicting the most correct games as well. 
We tested it out with the boys the last week of the season and we already curse the very air around us for our stupidity. It’s SUPER fun.


We can hear people now. "But Wanye, why should I play StreakCred? I have a perfectly good Sega Genesis at home I rarely use. If anything I should play that thing."
Wrong. There are two big reasons – other than "having fun" and "avoiding real work" – that should tip the scales and have you running to the StreakCred website.


The prizes you can win are awesome. They are global prizes first of all meaning we can fulfill them anywhere around the world and so entries are open to the entirety of planet Earth. Secondly, the prizes themselves are sick. How does a first place prize of a trip for two to Oktoberfest in Germany sound? I KNOW RITE? How about a "big screen tele-vision?"
And we have lots more including piles of Visa Prepaid Credit Cards, iTunes Cards and all sorts of other goodies that we will confirm once the first week of entries have closed. The aim of the game is to ship as many prizes as we can all around this blue marble we call home.


As part of our Nation Network annual goal of donating $200,000 for charities annually, we are expecting to donate a substantial sum of money to 2 deserving organizations from the 2013 Playoff StreakCred Game.
In this instance it is the MS Bike Tour and the Edmonton Down Syndrome Society. Both are excellent causes who need love and the idea of hockey fans around the world supporting this Edmonton cause is sweet.
Super sweet.


Kick on over to the StreakCred website, fork over $20 of your hard earned dollars and get ready to Facebook your Grade 8 girlfriend who told you that you weren’t cool enough. The cool train is about to depart.
Entries don’t close off till the start of the Finals, but the sooner you join the sooner you can start winning. We are already leading despite the fact the playoffs haven’t started yet.***
*I am indeed "rite"
** Game experience as reported by an anonymous player we will call W. Gretz. No wait, WG. Yeah, that works.
*** Totally.

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