
How’s everyone’s summer going?

Adam Laskaris
5 years ago
It’s been three years now we’ve been running our laziest roundtable topic yet: How’s everyone’s summer?
Pretty simple question, but a bit of an insight into our personal lives.

Scott Maxwell

Can’t say I’ve done a whole lot, but I’ve been taking the hockeyless months to watch some good movies on Netflix, binge a show or two, learn some more music theory, play some video games I wouldn’t have time for, and working on a couple hockey projects (it can’t all be non-hockey). I also went on a weekend long bender last weekend between Ribfest, friends, and a family wedding, that’s probably the highlight of my summer.
Oh, and John Tavares is a Maple Leaf.

Ryan Hobart

It’s been a great summer so far. I did a trip to Calgary for the Stampede, spent Canada Day weekend in Niagara Falls, cottaging this weekend then heading to spend 2 weeks in Toronto for work after that, and then heading for a camping trip to Algonquin park right after that. I’ve been doing way less writing than I planned/hoped because I just haven’t had the time and, let’s be honest, there haven’t been that many stories to tell. I’ve been playing my drum kit more which is good. I also got to spend 2 weeks dog sitting an adorable pup named Stan Lee. It was fantastic.
Oh, and Roman Polak is not a Maple Leaf.

Connor Bromley

England nearly won the World cup so I spent the whole summer in party mode. I also watched the full 2008 Stanley Cup final on YouTube because why not.

Thomas Williams

I just got back from doing a west coast trip and finished it off by going to Montreal for the weekend. All I have to say is that Toronto clearly has the talent and potential to be a constant final city.
The Bell Centre smells gross as hell.

That’s Kappy!

Not sure if the post is up yet but My summer has been great, mostly because I’ve avoided the disaster that is hockey twitter in august. Sorry that I only like arguing about 7th defensemen in January, but a man likes what he likes. At this point though, I am getting antsy about the upcoming season, and am more excited every day about Tyler Ennis as a Leaf.

Adam Laskaris

I turned 23 today, and managed a full year of this blog.
Let’s keep it up, and hope Nylander signs soon.

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