
James van Riemsdyk compares playing for the Leafs to playing for the New York Yankees: Leafs Morning Take

Nick Alberga
1 year ago
For me personally, the best part about doing this show has been having the ability to catch up with Leaf players —past and present.
And there’s been a bevy of them.
Today’s show was no different as James van Riemsdyk made his first appearance on the podcast.
First and foremost, we kicked off the Thursday edition of Leafs Morning Take by dissecting Wednesday’s Hockey Hall of Fame announcement. Once again, the legendary Alexander Mogilny was left off the list. Honestly, at this point, it just doesn’t make much sense. If you take into consideration who’s been getting in, there’s no doubt the Russian deserves to be there. The worst part about the situation is that no one from the Hall has spoken to it, so we’ll never really know the truth behind what’s truly going on here.

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After that, we brought back the segment that swept the nation in the regular season: Rosey Tweets. Essentially, I grab tweets from Jay Rosehill’s timeline and have him explain his headspace and train of thought when he fired off those tweets. The guy’s an absolute riot. Most importantly, he’s a good sport about this soon to be award winning segment.
As mentioned, we had the opportunity to catch up with the great James van Riemsdyk. On July 1st, the 34-year-old will become an unrestricted free agent for the second time in his NHL career. Furthermore, it will also mark the five-year anniversary of him leaving Toronto for his second tour of duty with the Philadelphia Flyers. I loved JVR with the blue and white.

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Be sure to join us on Friday at 11 AM ET as wrap up another week of Leafs Morning Take ahead of next week’s NHL Draft. On top of that, you just never know who’s going to drop by.
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