
WWYDW: Plan The Parade

Jeff Veillette
7 years ago
We promise that we’re going to go back to treating Phil Kessel as if he’s just another member of another hockey team. Soon. But not today. Today, we have a very serious topic on our hands.
Kessel was on Sportsnet 590 the Fan this morning and in a conversation with Dean Blundell, mentioned that he might end up spending his day with the Stanley Cup, which has yet to be determined, back here in Toronto. Kessel has on many occasions spoken about how he feels this city is his second home, that he still has a lot of friends here, and that even though he sold his Bay and College condo this spring, he still visits often.
Obviously, there’s a lot of fun speculation to be had about what he’ll do with the cup. I’m hoping for the above-shown Wienermobile tour around the Financial District, with him stopping at Front and John for the tastiest of all the street meat. But that’s not my question.
What would you do if you had a day with the Stanley Cup? Your hockey career has finally led to the moment of greatness that you’ve waited most of your life for, be it through playing, coaching, managing, or doing a really good job of convincing the owner that the concessions cashier deserves a day.
Personally, I really like what Sidney Crosby did in his first go-around, and would probably steal the idea. Crosby brought the cup back to Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, rounded up his friends and had a street hockey game wherein they got to play for the trophy, just like they did in their heads.
We did something similar as teenagers back on the mean streets of Keele and Wilson. We had a pylon that one of us swiped from a city worker and drew a bunch of crude designs for, and every day for nearly an entire year, we played for the Pylon Cup (original name, I know). If I had the chance, I’d pull as many of the old crew members out of their adult lives as possible, get a bunch of nets back onto that street, and play one big game for the trophy.
The rest of the city? Whatever, the Cup is here for 90% of the year anyway. Go buy a Hall of Fame ticket. Or wait until the Leafs’ parade, whenever that happens.
But how about you? How would you spend that day? Leave a comment below with your presumptive plan!

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